At Cardy Vacuum you can be sure to find the expertise you need to help you choose the right style of vacuum from our selection of quality brands as well as a good selection of parts and supplies for your vacuum.
Choosing the right vacuum cleaner is an important decision. Having the right vacuum and knowing how to use it properly can take much of the work out of cleaning your home. Powerful suction is something everyone wants, but ease of use is just as important. You can have the most powerful vacuum, but if it is too heavy or too noisy you may find that you cannot do your cleaning properly. Of course, at Cardy Vacuum, we will show you how to make use of the features of the machines so you can take full advantage of the vacuum you purchase. The right vacuum will result in a cleaner home.
Do you have a lot of carpet?
Different styles of carpet can require a different type of vacuum. An aggressive vacuum will do a very good job of cleaning a plush carpet, but can cause damage to a berber carpet. Some types of carpet are very good at hiding dirt. It can be difficult to see if your vacuum is removing the sand and grit from deep within your carpet. In order to select the proper vacuum you must know about fibres, carpet nap, pile, air flow, suction and many other variables. Did you know that purchasing the right vacuum can double or triple the life of your carpet?
Are you cleaning a lot of bare floors?
Many people say they just use a broom or a dust mop to sweep the floors. Studies have shown this will only take care of about forty-five percent of the dust. The rest of the dust just gets stirred up and settles back on the floor. Generally speaking, the canister style of vacuum is better suited to cleaning bare floors than the upright style. Look for a vacuum that exhausts air through the top of the machine. Vacuums with rear or side exhaust will stir up most of the dust before you get a chance to pass over it with the vacuum.
Does your home have polished hard wood floors?
If your home has beautiful hard wood floors, you want to be sure to find a vacuum that won’t scratch or mark your floors. Soft rubber wheels are necessary. Many vacuums have hard plastic wheels that can leave scratches on your floor. The right style of floor brush will help you clean your floors, not push the dirt around in front of you.
Does anyone in the home suffer from allergies or asthma?
Your vacuum is one of the primary tools for creating a cleaner, healthier environment. First, the vacuum has to pick the dirt up efficiently, but then it must retain as much of the dust as possible. Great improvements have been made in vacuum filtration over the last few years. Many vacuums promote HEPA filtration, but be careful. Not all vacuums with HEPA filters remove as much dust as you would expect.
Upright vacuum or canister vacuum?
Consideration must also be given to the style of vacuum you’ve been using to this point. Changing from a canister to an upright vacuum, or from an upright to a canister vacuum, can solve some problems. It can also create some new challenges for the person using the machine. We can help you decide which type of vacuum cleaner would be most suitable. Contact us and we will be happy to help you make the right decision, one that will greatly prolong the life expectancy of your carpet and make cleaning your home easier.
Bag versus bagless vacuum?
There are a number of benefits either way. With a bagless vacuum, obviously, you will never have to buy vacuum bags again. On the other hand, most bagless machines use filters that have to be cleaned regularly since they can clog up quickly. Eventually, the filters will have to be replaced. Some people have commented that the dirt container on the bagless models are small and needs to be emptied quite often. Cleaning the dirt cup and the filters can be a bit messy many bagless machines. Replacing the bag in a vacuum is usually a cleaner task but sometimes the bags can be difficult to remove. Product testing has shown that, in most cases, the bag vacuums maintain a higher level of performance and provide a better level of filtration than bagless vacuums. Another telling sign might be the fact that most mid range and higher-end vacuums use the bag as the primary filter.